Category: Podcast
Episode 99: It’s A Complete, Shared Accountability
Join Brent, Justin, and Michael in the first episode of two about how Agile isn’t what you call it.
Episode 98: It’s really important that you don’t wait
In this iteration, Amy, Brent, Jesse, Robin, and Teresa discuss change management in Agile organizations.
Episode 97: It shows up in many different ways.
In this iteration, Amy, Brent, Jesse, Robin, and Teresa discuss leadership and organizational change.
Episode 96: Magical manipulation of the truth so it’s palatable
In the last of our group on Agile Leadership myths, Amy, Brent, Jesse, Robin, and Teresa discuss the myth of how teams being diverse is enough.
Episode 95: I have no room for growth
In the next part of our series on Leadership, Amy, Brent, Jesse, Robin, and Teresa talk about biases.
Episode 94: “You might be the problem”
In the next iteration in our Leadership myth series, Amy, Brent, Jesse, Robin, and Teresa discuss the myth of how hierarchy doesn’t matter in an Agile organization.
Episode 93: Good intentions are not enough
It’s the next iteration of our Leadership series – and Amy, Brent, Jesse, Robin, and Teresa discuss delegation.
Episode 92: That’s what helped me make that shift
Amy, Brent, Jesse, Robin, and Teresa continue their conversation in the Leadership series – this conversation covers the topic of authority.
Episode 91: Having an honest conversation builds trust in the team
Join Amy, Brent, Jesse, Robin, and Teresa in this super-sized conversation that kicks off our leadership series.
Episode 90: “It really is the journey”
Great conversation and we have a longer-than-usual iteration as we wrap up the journey series.