Tag: Agile
Episode 126: This Is How I See That Thing Works
In this iteration of the Cloud Culture Mindset, Brent, Dirk, and Jesse discuss the principle of End to End Ownership and Collaboration. The conversation covers what the principle is about and how teams benefit from strong team-based decision-making and workflows.
Episode 125: The Right Decision At The Right Time
In this iteration, Brent is joined by Agnieszka and Jesse as they discuss another Cloud Culture principle: Ruthless Prioritization. The conversation covers focusing on value, how great Product Owners can create innovative products, and what’s important in the balancing act between customer wants or needs and technical debt.
Episode 124: Opportunities Where Learning Is A Good Thing
Brent, Jesse, Klaus, and Mike talk about “Continual Learning and Relentless Improvement,” which is a Cloud Culture Principle. Our experts define what this idea means and why it’s important. They talk about psychological and technological safety, the ability to grow and adapt, and having a common language. They answer the question how does earning your…
Episode 123: That’s A Bottom Line Issue
In anticipation of Cloud Culture Day on May 24; Brent is joined by Agnieszka and Mike on one of the most important principles of Cloud Culture, which is to “Earn Your Customer Every Day.” Our experts define who the customer is, how the steps are now a bit different than they had been, and what…
Episode 122: Spoiler – It’s All About The Customer
In anticipation of Cloud Culture Day at SAP on May 24, Brent has a conversation with friends of the podcast Agnieszka, Markus, Dirk, and Robin. In anticipation of Cloud Culture Day at SAP on May 24, Brent has a conversation with friends of the podcast (or sooner to be friends) Agnieszka, Markus, Dirk, and Robin.…
Episode 121: Behavior And Mindset Changes Are More Important
In this eighth iteration in this series of DevOps fundamentals, Sunny, Jessie, and Dominik wrap up the series talking about CALMS, TOIL, and how DevOps is the trend the world is moving towards. They offer advice to new people starting out and some characteristics that managers and independent contributors should have. They also reflect on…
Episode 120: They Just Focus On Their Customer
In the seventh discussion in the DevOps fundamentals series, Sunny, Jesse, and Dominik have a parking lot conversation about outcomes and metrics. Our experts discuss a quick timeline of DevOps history, and then share that the successes of the companies who used DevOps. They look at some things to measure and affect change, some of…
Episode 119: How To Start A Learning Culture
The DevOps Fundamentals series continues with iteration six and a discussion on a having “learning culture.” Until this point, we discussed optimizing the performance of a system from end to end, and then giving time to learn by amplifying feedback loops. Now comes the culture of continual experimentation and learning to take advantage of the…
Episode 118: Making Sure You Have Good Code Quality
This discussion could not be contained to 15 min or less, so here’s the parking lot on feedback loops, from the last iteration with Sunny, Jesse, and Dominik joined by Brent. They introduce the topic of feedback loops with a discussion about musical instruments and buying unbroken eggs from the store. Our experts discuss several…
Episode 117: The Best Engineers Will Leave
In this fourth iteration of a series of DevOps fundamentals, Sunny, Jesse, and Dominik discuss the technical aspects of how we get things going inside teams. They discuss improving the Developer experience by “shifting left”, value stream mapping, and the three ways of DevOps. They also discuss the “claim your 20% campaign,” which allows engineers…